Inherits IAddonInstance.
Public Member Functions | |
void | AddMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &hook) |
Callback to Kodi Function\nAdd or replace a menu hook for the context menu for this add-on More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | AddTimer (const kodi::addon::PVRTimer &timer) |
Add a timer on the backend. More... | |
DEMUX_PACKET * | AllocateDemuxPacket (int iDataSize) |
Callback to Kodi Function Allocate a demux packet. Free with FreeDemuxPacket(). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | CallChannelMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &menuhook, const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &item) |
Call one of the channel related menu hooks (if supported). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | CallEPGMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &menuhook, const kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag) |
Call one of the EPG related menu hooks (if supported). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | CallRecordingMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &menuhook, const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &item) |
Call one of the recording related menu hooks (if supported). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | CallSettingsMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &menuhook) |
Call one of the settings related menu hooks (if supported). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | CallTimerMenuHook (const kodi::addon::PVRMenuhook &menuhook, const kodi::addon::PVRTimer &item) |
Call one of the timer related menu hooks (if supported). More... | |
virtual bool | CanPauseStream () |
Check if the backend support pausing the currently playing stream. More... | |
virtual bool | CanSeekStream () |
Check if the backend supports seeking for the currently playing stream. More... | |
CInstancePVRClient () | |
PVR client class constructor. More... | |
CInstancePVRClient (KODI_HANDLE instance, const std::string &kodiVersion="") | |
PVR client class constructor used to support multiple instance types. More... | |
std::string | ClientPath () const |
Callback to Kodi Function Get main client path of the PVR addon. More... | |
virtual void | CloseLiveStream () |
Close an open live stream. More... | |
virtual void | CloseRecordedStream () |
Close an open stream from a recording. More... | |
void | ConnectionStateChange (const std::string &connectionString, PVR_CONNECTION_STATE newState, const std::string &message) |
Callback to Kodi Function Notify a state change for a PVR backend connection. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | DeleteAllRecordingsFromTrash () |
Delete all recordings permanent which in the deleted folder on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | DeleteChannel (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel) |
Delete a channel from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | DeleteRecording (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording) |
Delete a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | DeleteTimer (const kodi::addon::PVRTimer &timer, bool forceDelete) |
Delete a timer on the backend. More... | |
virtual void | DemuxAbort () |
Abort the demultiplexer thread in the add-on. More... | |
virtual void | DemuxFlush () |
Flush all data that's currently in the demultiplexer buffer in the add-on. More... | |
virtual DEMUX_PACKET * | DemuxRead () |
Read the next packet from the demultiplexer, if there is one. More... | |
virtual void | DemuxReset () |
Reset the demultiplexer in the add-on. More... | |
void | EpgEventStateChange (kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag, EPG_EVENT_STATE newState) |
Callback to Kodi Function Notify a state change for an EPG event. More... | |
int | EpgMaxFutureDays () const |
Callback to Kodi Function Get the Max future days handled by Kodi. More... | |
int | EpgMaxPastDays () const |
Callback to Kodi Function Get the Max past days handled by Kodi. More... | |
virtual void | FillBuffer (bool mode) |
Notify the pvr addon/demuxer that Kodi wishes to fill demux queue. More... | |
void | FreeDemuxPacket (DEMUX_PACKET *pPacket) |
Callback to Kodi Function Free a packet that was allocated with AllocateDemuxPacket(). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetBackendHostname (std::string &hostname) |
Get the hostname of the pvr backend server. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetBackendName (std::string &name)=0 |
Get the name reported by the backend that will be displayed in the UI. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetBackendVersion (std::string &version)=0 |
Get the version string reported by the backend that will be displayed in the UI. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetCapabilities (kodi::addon::PVRCapabilities &capabilities)=0 |
Get the list of features that this add-on provides. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannelGroupMembers (const kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup &group, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet &results) |
Get a list of members on a group. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannelGroups (bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupsResultSet &results) |
Get a list of available channel groups on addon. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannelGroupsAmount (int &amount) |
Get the total amount of channel groups on the backend if it supports channel groups. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannels (bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelsResultSet &results) |
Request the list of all channels from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannelsAmount (int &amount) |
The total amount of channels on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetChannelStreamProperties (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel, std::vector< kodi::addon::PVRStreamProperty > &properties) |
Get the stream properties for a channel from the backend. More... | |
PVRCodec | GetCodecByName (const std::string &codecName) const |
Callback to Kodi Function Get the codec id used by Kodi. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetConnectionString (std::string &connection) |
To get the connection string reported by the backend that will be displayed in the UI. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetDescrambleInfo (int channelUid, kodi::addon::PVRDescrambleInfo &descrambleInfo) |
Get the descramble information of the stream that's currently open. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetDriveSpace (uint64_t &total, uint64_t &used) |
Get the disk space reported by the backend (if supported). More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetEPGForChannel (int channelUid, time_t start, time_t end, kodi::addon::PVREPGTagsResultSet &results) |
Request the EPG for a channel from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetEPGTagEdl (const kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag, std::vector< kodi::addon::PVREDLEntry > &edl) |
Retrieve the edit decision list (EDL) of an EPG tag on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetEPGTagStreamProperties (const kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag, std::vector< kodi::addon::PVRStreamProperty > &properties) |
Get the stream properties for an epg tag from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetProviders (kodi::addon::PVRProvidersResultSet &results) |
Request the list of all providers from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetProvidersAmount (int &amount) |
The total amount of providers on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordingEdl (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, std::vector< kodi::addon::PVREDLEntry > &edl) |
Retrieve the edit decision list (EDL) of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordingLastPlayedPosition (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, int &position) |
Retrieve the last watched position of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordings (bool deleted, kodi::addon::PVRRecordingsResultSet &results) |
Request the list of all recordings from the backend, if supported. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordingsAmount (bool deleted, int &amount) |
To get amount of recording present on backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordingSize (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, int64_t &size) |
Retrieve the size of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetRecordingStreamProperties (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, std::vector< kodi::addon::PVRStreamProperty > &properties) |
Get the stream properties for a recording from the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetSignalStatus (int channelUid, kodi::addon::PVRSignalStatus &signalStatus) |
Get the signal status of the stream that's currently open. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetStreamProperties (std::vector< kodi::addon::PVRStreamProperties > &properties) |
Get the stream properties of the stream that's currently being read. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetStreamReadChunkSize (int &chunksize) |
Obtain the chunk size to use when reading streams. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetStreamTimes (kodi::addon::PVRStreamTimes ×) |
Get stream times. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetTimers (kodi::addon::PVRTimersResultSet &results) |
Request the list of all timers from the backend if supported. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetTimersAmount (int &amount) |
To get total amount of timers on the backend or -1 on error. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | GetTimerTypes (std::vector< kodi::addon::PVRTimerType > &types) |
Retrieve the timer types supported by the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | IsEPGTagPlayable (const kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag, bool &isPlayable) |
Check if the given EPG tag can be played. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | IsEPGTagRecordable (const kodi::addon::PVREPGTag &tag, bool &isRecordable) |
Check if the given EPG tag can be recorded. More... | |
virtual bool | IsRealTimeStream () |
Check for real-time streaming. More... | |
virtual int64_t | LengthLiveStream () |
Obtain the length of a live stream. More... | |
virtual int64_t | LengthRecordedStream () |
Obtain the length of a recorded stream. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OnPowerSavingActivated () |
To notify addon power saving on system is activated. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OnPowerSavingDeactivated () |
To notify addon power saving on system is deactivated. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OnSystemSleep () |
To notify addon about system sleep. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OnSystemWake () |
To notify addon about system wake up. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OpenDialogChannelAdd (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel) |
Show the dialog to add a channel on the backend, if supported by the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OpenDialogChannelScan () |
Show the channel scan dialog if this backend supports it. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | OpenDialogChannelSettings (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel) |
Show the channel settings dialog, if supported by the backend. More... | |
virtual bool | OpenLiveStream (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel) |
Open a live stream on the backend. More... | |
virtual bool | OpenRecordedStream (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording) |
Open a stream to a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual void | PauseStream (bool paused) |
Notify the pvr addon that Kodi (un)paused the currently playing stream. More... | |
virtual int | ReadLiveStream (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size) |
Read from an open live stream. More... | |
virtual int | ReadRecordedStream (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size) |
Read from a recording. More... | |
void | RecordingNotification (const std::string &recordingName, const std::string &fileName, bool on) |
Callback to Kodi Function Display a notification in Kodi that a recording started or stopped on the server. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | RenameChannel (const kodi::addon::PVRChannel &channel) |
Rename a channel on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | RenameRecording (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording) |
Rename a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual int64_t | SeekLiveStream (int64_t position, int whence) |
Seek in a live stream on a backend that supports timeshifting. More... | |
virtual int64_t | SeekRecordedStream (int64_t position, int whence) |
Seek in a recorded stream. More... | |
virtual bool | SeekTime (double time, bool backwards, double &startpts) |
Notify the pvr addon/demuxer that Kodi wishes to seek the stream by time. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | SetEPGMaxFutureDays (int futureDays) |
Tell the client the future time frame to use when notifying epg events back to Kodi. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | SetEPGMaxPastDays (int pastDays) |
Tell the client the past time frame to use when notifying epg events back to Kodi. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | SetRecordingLastPlayedPosition (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, int lastplayedposition) |
Set the last watched position of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | SetRecordingLifetime (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording) |
Set the lifetime of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | SetRecordingPlayCount (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording, int count) |
Set the play count of a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual void | SetSpeed (int speed) |
Notify the pvr addon/demuxer that Kodi wishes to change playback speed. More... | |
void | TriggerChannelGroupsUpdate () |
Callback to Kodi Function Request Kodi to update it's list of channel groups. More... | |
void | TriggerChannelUpdate () |
Callback to Kodi Function Request Kodi to update it's list of channels. More... | |
void | TriggerEpgUpdate (unsigned int channelUid) |
Callback to Kodi Function Schedule an EPG update for the given channel channel. More... | |
void | TriggerProvidersUpdate () |
Callback to Kodi Function Request Kodi to update it's list of providers. More... | |
void | TriggerRecordingUpdate () |
Callback to Kodi Function Request Kodi to update it's list of recordings. More... | |
void | TriggerTimerUpdate () |
Callback to Kodi Function Request Kodi to update it's list of timers. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | UndeleteRecording (const kodi::addon::PVRRecording &recording) |
Undelete a recording on the backend. More... | |
virtual PVR_ERROR | UpdateTimer (const kodi::addon::PVRTimer &timer) |
Update the timer information on the backend. More... | |
std::string | UserPath () const |
Callback to Kodi Function Get user data path of the PVR addon. More... | |
~CInstancePVRClient () override=default | |
Destructor. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual ADDON_STATUS | CreateInstance (int instanceType, const std::string &instanceID, KODI_HANDLE instance, const std::string &version, KODI_HANDLE &addonInstance) |
IAddonInstance (ADDON_TYPE type, const std::string &version) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
std::string | m_id |
const std::string | m_kodiVersion |
const ADDON_TYPE | m_type |